Introduction to Embedded Systems What is Embedded Systems, Types of System,Classification of Embedded Systems, Characteristics of an Embedded System,Applications of an Embedded Systems.
Programming Languages & Compilers What is Programming Language, Type of programming Languages. Difference in Programming structures, Embedded Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters, Binary Systems.
C Programming – Level 1 Facts of C Language, Why use C?, Advantage and Disadvantages of C Languages, C Compilers, What is an IDE, C Language IDEs, C Language Syntax, Syntax errors in C, Simple C Program, Understanding C Program Structure, Basic C language Components.
C Programming – Level 2 Input-Output Functions in C, Format Specifiers, Control Statements – If If else, Else if, Nested Statements Conditional operators, Boolean Operators, Switch case Statements, Understanding Loops – While Loops, DO While Loops, Break and Continue.
C Programming – Level1 Facts of C Language, Why use C?, Advantage andPointer Variable, Pointer Arithmetic, Arrays Declaration and Initialization, Multidimensional Arrays, Pointer and Arrays, Strings in C Initialization of string variables, String Literals, String Handing Functions, Pointers and Strings.
C Programming – Level 4 Pointers and Functions, Arrays and Functions, User defined functions,Recursive Functions Function Declaration and Definition, Drawbacks of Functions, Storage Classes, Auto, Register, Global, Extern.
C Programming – Level 5 Command line Arguments, Dynamic Memory Allocation,Structure and Unions, Files Pre-Processors.
C Programming – Level 6 Introduction to Data Structures, Types of Data Structures,Pointers and Indirection, Array and Pointer implementation, Linear DataStructures, Linked Lists (Single Linked List, Double Linked Lists), Stacks and Queues Operations.