Linux System Programming & Device Drivers

Home Linux System Programming & Device Drivers

Linux System Programming & Device Drivers


Linux Training in Hyderabad. OS concepts Software components, System software vs Application software, operating systems Interfaces, Real-time systems.


Linux Basic and Utilities UNIX/Linux/Windows History, GNU Project, Booting Process of OS Advantages and disadvantages of Linux, Features of Linux, Linux root File System, Virtual File system.


Shell and Shell Commands Linux Terminals & Shell, Concept of Process in Linux, Regular Expressions, Process Commands, Editors in Linux, Regular Commands in Linux.


Linux Shell Programming and scripts Types of shells, Bourne shell Overview, User, Shell, And Read-Only Shell, Variables, Environmental Variables, Positional Parameters, Control Constructs, Switch case, If Else and loops.


Linux Compilers, Debugger, and Utilities Gcc compiler, Compiler switches, Creating Object code GNU C library, GDB debugger, GDB commands, Static library, Dynamic library.


Linux Internals Programming – File System Linux Kernel Structure, System Calls, File Sub-System, Inodes and File permissions, File symbolic Links, File handling functions, Library functions vs. system calls.


Linux Kernel Programming – Process Management Linux Kernel Architecture, User & System Mode, Process Management, pid, fork, vfork, exec zombie process.


POSIX Thread Programming & IPC POSIX standards, POSIX Threads, pthreads, pthread attributes, POSIX Message Queues, POSIX Semaphores.


Linux Compilers, Debugger, and Utilities Gcc compiler, Compiler switches, Creating Object code GNU C library, GDB debugger, GDB commands, Static library.Dynamic library,ate Windows de in PC sertion to activate Windows


Linux Synchronization Programming Need of Synchronization, Deadlock problem, Race condition


Linux IPC (Inter Process Communication) Programming Need of IPCs, pipe, FIFO, Shared Memory, message queue, signals & communication, signal handler.


Linux Network Programming OSI Reference Model Introduction to OSI Ref Model, Physical Layer Protocol Functions, Data Link Layer Protocol Functions, Network Layer Protocol Functions Transport Layer Protocol Functions, Session Layer Protocol Functions, Presentation Layer Protocol Functions, Application Layer Protocol Functions


Understanding TCP/IP Origin of TCP/IP, TCP/IP Model, IP Addressing, Subnet masking. Assigning IP, Overview of Routing process, TCP/IP Stack,


Linux Socket Programming Socket API, Client Server Architecture, TCP Socket, UDP Socket, RAW Socket, Unix Socket, FTP Programming, Communicating using Sockets, Concurrent Server Programming


Briefing Linux Device Drivers Linux Driver Module, Role of Driver, Inbuilt and Modular Drivers, Types of Device Driver, Relationship between Kernel and Driver, Major and Minor Number, Modular Program Vs. Application Program.


Advanced Character Device Driver IOCTL, Implementing IOCTL Commands, Blocking I/O, poll and select, Asynchronous notification.




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